Training Programs

We show professionals and teams “how to” build, engage and extract value from their network of contacts.

Rocket Networker Training Programs Are Adapted To Your Situation and Participants Needs.

We offer multiple types of Training Series, Workshops and Briefings. They range from hours to days to a series facilitated over weeks, months or quarters.

We recommend using a training series approach. This spreads the process of learning and application over time rather than in one or two workshops.

This improves retention, practical application, and behavior change which lead to a lasting impact and sustainable results. It also demonstrates leadership commitment to continuous learning. 

Training Series consists of a kick-off workshop event followed by a series of weekly, monthly, or quarterly remote on in-person working sessions. 

We Use The Rocket Networker Framework™ To Accelerate Application and Results

Using The Rocket Networker Framework™ to train professionals and teams provides a baseline to work from when improving performance. Our program develops your knowledge, skills, experience and approach to:

  • Strategy for networking and relationship management.
  • Adding people to their network.
  • Engaging people in their network.
  • Leveraging technology to network and manage relationships.

You can use The Rocket Networker Training Program to develop individuals or teams.  


ArmatureEBS Framework
Strategy For Networking & Relationship Management
  • Overcome reluctance to network
  • Develop personal brand
  • Define targets
  • Select topics to discuss
  • Assign metrics
Add People To Your Network
  • Find the right people to connect with
  • Approach people
  • Converse with people
  • Ask for advice, info and referrals
Engage People In Your Network
  • Organize, segment and prioritize contacts
  • Monitor network for conversation triggers
  • Follow-up to stay top of mind
  • Ask people for referrals, leads, and advice
Leverage Technology 
  • Social Media
  • Online Research i.e. LinkedIn
  • Contact Management
  • Automate follow-up activities

The Rocket Networker Instructional Approach

Who Should Attend Rocket Networker Training?

Professionals including:

  • Accountants and CPA’s
  • Investors and bankers
  • Engineers and architects
  • Lawyers
  • Doctors
  • All other professionals

Salespeople and Producers including:

  • Insurance agents
  • Financial advisers
  • Real estate agents
  • Mortgage brokers
  • Business Development Managers
  • Customer Acquisition Managers

Job Seekers including:

  • Staffing and recruiting firms
  • People in career transition
  • New college graduates
  • Students seeking Internships

Training Modules Covered By The Rocket Networker...

Module 1 – Build Personal Networking Strategy

Define the type of personal network to build, select the appropriate networking activities and methods, define networking etiquette. Learn “how to”:

  • Define your personal brand image
  • Set networking goals, metrics and targets
  • Determine who to network with
  • Select where to meet people
  • Find contacts and their information
  • Decide what to talk about with people
  • Get people to spend time with you
  • Create situations to meet people
  • Document contact information and history notes

Module 2 – Add People To Your Network

Learn how to meet and build the number of people in your network, including determining who to network with, selecting where to meet people, deciding what to talk about with people and creating situations to meet people

Learn “how to” make finding and meeting people a natural part of your everyday activities:

  • At work with colleagues, clients, and vendors
  • At home with family, friends, and neighbors
  • At volunteer activities
  • At professional, industry, and geographic associations
  • Through social media
  • Through your college, high school, and grade school

Module 3 – Engage People In Your Network

Deepen  your relationship with people by frequently interacting with them on social media, by phone, at events, and through other means.   motivating people to bring opportunities to you, requesting advice and opportunities

Learn “how to”:

  • Plan and prioritize contact engagement
  • Use selfless service to engage and motivate contacts
  • Create activities and events to engage contacts
  • Ask contacts for advice and information
  • Share referrals with your contacts

Module 4 – Use Technology for Networking and Relationship Management

Learn how to use technology to store contact information, history notes, and automate follow-up emails, call reminders, and event reminders. Learn “how to”:

  • Select a contact database for networking
  • Segment, sort and filter contacts for follow-up
  • Nurture contacts with drip emails
  • Track relationship history and notes
  • Use phone systems to reduce time spent calling
  • Use your mobile phone to automate follow-up
  • Track referrals, leads, and sales opportunities

Module 5: Use Social Media To Network

Learn “how to”:

  • Build and reinforce your personal brand image
  • Track changes in the personal lives of contacts
  • Communicate private and public messages to contacts
  • Solicit private and public feedback from your contacts
  • Request connections to other people


Module 6 – Develop Your Center of Influence Network (COIN)

Motivate people that are positioned to make introductions for advice, leads, referrals, invitations, and information. Learn “how to” receive a continuous flow of:

  • Endorsements, testimonials, and references
  • Advice, information and competitive intelligence
  • Referrals and leads
  • Invitations to professional and industry events
  • Requests for coffee, lunch, and dinner with groups
  • Job opportunities and/or job candidates