
Pinpoint Gaps In Your Networking and Relationship Management Approach, Knowledge and Skills.

What Networking and Relationship Management Framework Are You Using?

We use The Rocket Networker Framework™ to assess your employees provides a baseline to work from when improving performance. We assess their knowledge, skills, experience and approach to:

  • Strategy for networking and relationship management.
  • Adding people to their network.
  • Engaging people in their network.
  • Leveraging technology to network and manage relationships.

You can use The Rocket Networker Assessment to evaluate individuals or teams. We believe it is a prerequisite to building an effective training program, series or keynote presentation.


ArmatureEBS Framework
Strategy For Networking & Relationship Management
  • Overcome reluctance to network
  • Develop personal brand
  • Define targets
  • Select topics to discuss
  • Assign metrics
Add People To Your Network
  • Find the right people to connect with
  • Approach people
  • Converse with people
  • Ask for advice, info and referrals
Engage People In Your Network
  • Organize, segment and prioritize contacts
  • Monitor network for conversation triggers
  • Consistently follow-up to stay top of mind
  • Ask people for referrals, leads, and advice
Leverage Technology 
  • Social Media
  • Online Research i.e. LinkedIn
  • Contact Management
  • Automate follow-up activities

We Provide You With:

  • Briefings on The Rocket Networker Framework™
  • Online Self-Assessments that are quick to complete
  • Focus Group Assessments to dig deeper into and clarify problem areas
  • One-on-One Interviews to uncover hidden perspectives
  • Document Assessment to determine if they exist, are complete and are used
  • Report with priorities and recommendations

Pricing Options

Individual Assessment

$99/per person
  • Online Self-Assessment
  • One-on-One Interview (1-hour via Zoom or Teams)
  • Summary Report with Recommendations (Microsoft Word or PowerPoint)
  • Summary Review Meeting (up to 2-hours via Zoom or Teams)