Rocket Nation Recovery Part 20

Rocket Nation Recovery Part 20

Rocket Nation Recovery Part #20 – big win for The Rockets on Saturday. Congrats to Brian Blair and his team for a great game day experience. Kudos to Coach Candle and the team for a job well done! Will UToledo leadership score a big win with this week’s...
Rocket Nation Recovery Part 19

Rocket Nation Recovery Part 19

Rocket Nation Recovery Part #19 – the Interim Provost over the past year has been let go. Dr. Scott Molitor has been named Interim Provost. Scott has 20+ years at UToledo, lives in the community, and can hit the ground running. While...
Rocket Nation Recovery Part 18

Rocket Nation Recovery Part 18

Rocket Nation Enrollment Fall 2024 – – this is positive news to celebrate! Great to see UToledo enrollment reaching out to engage alums in the all hands on deck effort to bring 3,000 to 4,000 new students to UToledo in Fall 2024! Recommend that you bring...
Rocket Nation Recovery Part 17

Rocket Nation Recovery Part 17

Rocket Nation Recovery Part 17 – with last week’s board of trustees 2-day retreat complete and the Labor Day Holiday Weekend behind us, will it be back to business as usual for UToledo leadership? Or did the board of trustees decide to change its vision...
Rocket Nation Fun Photo Friday

Rocket Nation Fun Photo Friday

Rocket Nation Fun Photo Friday – – while doing research in support of the Metro NYC Alumni Chapter I came across this photo from September 6, 2006. A joint meeting with the UToledo Enrollment leadership team across the street from Radio City Music Hall....