Rocket Nation Recovery Part 57 – “sometimes silence is the best answer”
This is great wisdom from the Dalai Lama! But sometimes silence speaks volumes. In the case of UToledo leadership and trustees it seems that silence is both the answer and speaking volumes, especially behind the scenes.
Is it true that the UToledo board of trustees:
- Have turned the page?
- Believe that the easy part of addressing the UT enrollment, financial, and morale disaster is now behind them?
- Have come to accept that the decline in enrollment, financial and morale numbers has not hit bottom and has no realistic end in sight?
- Have been informed that BGSU, OU, Miami, UCincy and other colleges are forecasting 5 to 10% increases in Fall 2024 enrollment to the State of Ohio? Is it true that UT is forecasting another 4-7% decline?
- Have been given no strategic enrollment plan to compete with other colleges?
- Are envisioning a future leadership team filled with no executives with Toledo or UT ties?
Is it possible that Amit Mrig, in his recent post “The One Issue That’s Bigger Than The Demographic Cliff“, nailed it when he said “If you look at the recent and recurring news of institutional closures, external factors like the demographic cliff are often cited as a primary reason. The reality is that failed leadership is the biggest culprit.”
Is it true that in calm times, when enrollment, financial and morale metrics are strong, its ok to soft land failed leaders? But what best practices should trustees follow in times of crisis?
Is it possible that a soft landing and delayed tactical actions to address the crisis are increasing the probability of severe financial hardship for UToledo over the next 24-months? What will UToledo look like in Fall 2025 with total enrollment at 12,500 students counting graduate and medical college students?
If you were a trustee, what would you do?
It’s ok to feel uncomfortable in a crisis. Please pray for thoughtful, compassionate accountability and urgent actions to revitalize The Rocket Nation.