Rocket Nation Recovery Part 45 – Is it true that the UToledo academic portfolio and course inventory cuts announced yesterday:

  • Were part of a report prepared in August 2023 but not implemented?
  • Have virtually no students enrolled in them?
  • Have no impact on the upcoming $10-$12M budget cuts?
  • Have no impact on faculty and staff headcount reductions?

Is it true that even with these portfolio and course cuts the new Provost will be required to make actual course and budget cuts including faculty and staff reductions upon their arrival in July 2024?

Is it true that after four-years, UT’s top leader has embarked on an emergency “road show” to all Deans and colleges over the next few weeks, prior to the February 28th board meeting, to discuss their strategic plan and STEM H vision?

Is it possible that UT’s top leader is attempting to give the appearance, or create an illusion, that they are implementing the Huron Report findings from November 2021 and have built buy-in from all Deans as a pretense to hiring the new Provost?

If true, is that ethical? Is that fair to a new Provost?

Spring 2024 Enrollment – is it true that:

  • Total enrollment is down 3.0% from Spring 2023 or 400+ students?
  • First Time Student enrollment is down by 110+ students from Spring 2023
  • Spring 2024 enrollment is down over 1,000 students compared to forecast? If true, what is the budget, faculty and staff impact?

As a trustee, would you want to know what:

  • Caused the forecast to be so far off?
  • Specific, tactical steps are being taken and what metrics are being used to stop this enrollment decline?
  • Accountability actions are being taken?

As a trustee preparing for the February 28th board meeting would you demand:

  • An end to the charade and a urgent shift to the reality of the situation?
  • A vote of confidence/no confidence in UT leadership?
  • UT’s top leader base salary be cut by 50% and their incentive compensation increased from $155,000 reviewed annually to $500,000 reviewed and paid monthly tied to achievement of specific, tactical new student enrollment, student retention, and faculty retention metrics?
  • That all senior leadership team travel to conferences be immediately stopped to conserve cash and force leaders to tactically focus the crisis?
  • That all interim positions be ended immediately to save millions in placement, travel and living expenses?

Is it time for UT’s leaders and trustees to stand up and do the right thing? Either make the tough decisions to immediately stop the enrollment, financial, and morale crisis – – or selflessly and courageously step down.

It’s ok to feel uncomfortable in a crisis. Please pray for thoughtful, compassionate accountability and urgent actions to revitalize The Rocket Nation.