Rocket Nation Recovery Part 31 – UToledo Enrollment Update.

In June 2023 UToledo Leaders and Trustees extended the contract of the Interim Vice President of Enrollment Management until December 31, 2023.

The contract was renewed after 24-months of serving as the Interim Vice President and the three consecutive declines in Fall enrollment and full time equivalent students.

There has been no public announcement launching a search to replace the interim Vice President with a permanent one. There are 76-days until December 31st. Is that enough time to launch and complete a public search for a permanent Vice President of Enrollment?

Is it possible that UToledo leaders and trustees are quietly negotiating another contract extension or a full-time position with the current interim Vice President?

Is it true that the interim Vice President of Enrollment is only responsible for “getting applications” and “admitting students”? If that is true, who is responsible for the other enrollment management job responsibilities including Financial Aid and Scholarships, Student Retention, Strategic Enrollment Plan, Collaboration and Communication across university departments, and Public Relations and Community Engagement?

If it’s true, is the interim Vice President being paid for 50% of a typical VP Enrollment Management position salary?

If you were a forward thinking trustee how would you interpret this? Would you:

1. Push for a public announcement about the search for a permanent VP Enrollment?
2. Extend the contract or make a full-time offer? Or would you end the contract and launch a search?
3. Require that the permanent VP enrollment move from North Carolina to Toledo? Or would you allow them to continue to lead UT enrollment from North Carolina?
4. Seek input from the deans, faculty and staff for their perspective? How about donor input?
5. Review the job responsibilities and performance metrics listed in the job description before hiring a permanent Vice President of Enrollment?

Is it possible that UToledo leaders are operating with a “business as usual” mindset in the middle of an enrollment, financial and morale crisis?

It’s ok to feel uncomfortable in a crisis. Please pray for thoughtful, compassionate accountability and urgent actions to revitalize The Rocket Nation.

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