Rocket Nation Recovery Part 59 – – “Cleveland State University said every area of the school will participate in closing a projected $40 million budget shortfall — including athletics.”

Is it true that UToledo is ranked 9th by the State of Ohio’s Chancellors office, just slightly ahead of Cleveland State?

Is it possible that UToledo athletics could be facing additional budget cuts in the 2024/25 and 2025/26 budgets?

How big is the UToledo budget gap for 2024-25? Is is true that UT’s senior leaders vision has no operational or tactical plans that have been approved by the Board of Trustees? Is it possible that trustee’s have never asked for or seen operational or tactical crisis plans to stop the enrollment, financial and morale disaster?

Is it true that BGSU, OU, Cincy and Miami are forecasting 5 to 10% enrollment increases again this year? Is it true that UT is tracking for a 5-8% enrollment decline again this year?

Is it time for emergency change or continued business as usual?

It’s ok to feel uncomfortable in a crisis. Please pray for thoughtful, compassionate accountability and urgent actions to revitalize The Rocket Nation.