Rocket Nation Recovery Part 55 – Are you confused by the situation at the UToledo hospital, physician group and medical college?

Some people at the hospital are stating that financial stability has been reached and the hospital has been saved. While others state that UT leaders have abdicated operational decision making causing the hospital to barely breakeven with no end in sight. If you were a trustee, who would you believe?

Is it true that UT trustees learned at their last board meeting that in the 6-months ending December 31, 2023 the:

  • UT Physicians Group lost money and continues its decades long struggle to attract and retain physicians?
  • UT Hospital barely broke even, in spite of huge revenue gains from renegotiated Medicare/Medicaid billing rates?

If this is true, how will UT leaders fund investments over the next 12-18 months to make up for the millions in differed hospital technology and facilities maintenance?

Is it true that the halls of the UT Medical College and doctors are a buzz with word that:

  • UT trustees have finally renegotiated the May 2010 UTMC/ProMedica agreement?
  • UT’s top leader struggled with and delayed the negotiations?
  • UT will receive substantially less revenue over the next 10-years compared to the 2010 agreement and recent payments?
  • The agreement will have virtually no revenue impact on the UT hospital and physician group and their survivability?

If this is true, is it possible that:

  • UT trustees have lowered the bar for hospital success so low that barely breaking even is considered a major win?
  • A UT trustees have overestimated UT leaders knowledge, skill and experience with negotiating large complex contracts?

If you were a trustee, how confident are you that UT leaders know how to address the decades long profitability crisis at the hospital and physicians group? Are you so confident that you are willing to place your own money and reputation on the line in addition to the livelihoods of 5,000 UT employees?

It’s ok to feel uncomfortable in a crisis. Please pray for thoughtful, compassionate accountability and urgent actions to revitalize The Rocket Nation.