Rocket Nation Recovery Part 54 – Last Wednesday UToledo trustees held their February board meeting. Much time was spent in executive session with trustees beginning to ask questions. A line of questions that flustered UT leaders. Was this a small, but positive step toward accountability?

Is it true that UT leaders shared their excitement that Spring 2024 will be the last of the large graduating classes? But then presented trustees with an enrollment forecast showing continued declines in Fall 2024, Spring 2025 and Fall 2025?

Are UToledo trustees, alums, donors and sponsors ok with UT enrollment being under 13,000 total students by Fall 2025 counting all medical college, graduate, undergraduate and over 1,000 high school college credit program students? Is it true that UT leaders have forecast total enrollment will not return to 15,000 students until Fall 2028?

Is it true that UT leaders presented forecast budget cuts of $10M in 2024-25, $15M in 2025-26 and $20M in 2026-27? If true, what does this mean to UT faculty and staff? What does this mean to UT Athletics?

Have UT trustees accepted these forecasts and continued downward spiral as inevitable? Is it possible that UT leaders do not possess the vision, crisis management skills and experience to stop the disaster and inspire The Rocket Nation? Is it time for change?

On a brighter note, trustees reviewed an updated facilities and grounds master plan. It goes without saying that The Rocket Nation takes great pride in the beauty of our campus. The facilities and grounds teams have and continue to do a great job making UT a beautiful place.

Is it true that:

  • Some greeted the master plan concepts with excitement and hope while others were confused by where $300M magically appeared from to pay for it? Have UT leaders already funded the over $200M in deferred maintenance on existing infrastructure?
  • Some interpreted UT’s press release and media coverage as the trustees giving approval to spend $300M but in reality they only approved the concepts with no funding?
  • One of the projects will be presented to the trustees for funding approval at their May or July board meeting?
  • Many faculty and staff interpreted UT leaders heavy public relations push as an attempt to distract trustees and donors from the tactical enrollment, financial and morale disaster?

If you were a trustee, how confident are you that UT leaders know how to address the enrollment, financial and morale disaster? Are you so confident that you are willing to place your own money and reputation on the line?

It’s ok to feel uncomfortable in a crisis. Please pray for thoughtful, compassionate accountability and urgent actions to revitalize The Rocket Nation.
