Rocket Nation Sadness Part 5 – the news of the crisis at UToledo is no longer hidden behind the scenes. The time for awareness building about the severity of the enrollment and financial crisis is over. The time for courageous, energetic, kind and immediate action has arrived.

Many of you were shocked by the news this week. You shocked me by the outpouring of private messages from:

  • Concerned faculty, staff, department heads and Deans – – thank you for sharing your concerns, and ideas to fix the problems. I respect your fear to share them inside the institution.
  • UToledo alums that are CEO’s, COO’s, CFO’s and Presidents of Fortune 500 and other companies across the US.
  • Local politicians and mayors
  • UToledo alums that sit on the board of trustees of other major universities around the country and in Ohio

But the real shocker for me were the messages from UToledo alums that are Vice Presidents and Directors of Enrollment at major universities across the country. Not only did you express your concern you offered your personal support to help the UToledo Enrollment Team. You offered training, best practice sharing, and offered to visit campus to help. Think about it. UT’s competitors offering to help to their alma mater. Totally blown away by your love for The Rocket Nation!

All I can say is thank you to The Rocket Nation for your kind messages and passion for solving the problem. But I am not in a position to implement your ideas.

So, it’s time for you to share your concerns, ideas and expectations with Will Lucas, the Chair of the UToledo Board of Trustees. He is the only one with authority to drive change.

Will needs to hear your positive, kind and creative ideas. He needs to hear your expectations. Will and The Board of Trustees need our collective support and positivity as they quickly work to resolve this crisis. Please support Will’s efforts to look forward, not backward. Yes, Will can learn from the past. But his time and energy needs to focus on the next few weeks and months.

My thoughts, prayers and support are with Will and The Board of Trustees! Lets support their efforts to quickly save The Rocket Nation!