Rocket Nation Recovery Part 26 – as a forward looking UToledo trustee, how would you interpret yesterday’s Leadership Letter To The Editor? Would you interpret this as the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Or a narrative to spin partial truths to distract attention? Would you ask for actual results to be publicly updated in the UT “Dashboard of Strategic Plan Outcomes and Responsibilities”?

As you enter this Wednesday’s board meeting, do you feel like you have the full details? How confident are you in the “transformation” underway?

It’s ok to feel uncomfortable in a crisis. Please pray for thoughtful, compassionate accountability and urgent actions to revitalize The Rocket Nation.

#RocketNation #toledo #utoledo #ToledoTough

“Transformational change takes time. Particularly in an industry like higher education that is characterized by so many deep-rooted traditions, it takes an extra level of energy to do things differently.

At the University of Toledo, we are committed to putting in the work to adapt, evolve, and innovate.

It’s no secret that UToledo has had enrollment challenges for a number of years. I cannot stress enough how important it is to turn it around in the right way. We are focusing on the quality of our operations and not just the quantity of students coming in the door.

Not only did we recruit this fall semester a larger number of new students for the third consecutive semester, but we also welcomed a strong incoming class with high average ACT scores and high school grade point averages.

At the same time, UToledo’s six-year graduation rate is the highest on record with 57.7 percent of students who first enrolled at our University in 2017 graduating this past spring.

We beat our previous records set the year before. I hope we keep breaking this record.

UToledo is currently in the process of recruiting a new provost, and we took this opportunity to reevaluate this important role. Our next chief academic officer will have a larger portfolio to also oversee our enrollment and student affairs operations.

Bringing together our student recruitment, student support, and student success efforts within academic affairs will ensure we welcome more Rockets to campus who leave as graduates.

UToledo is unique in our role to be a school of opportunity for undergraduate students looking to improve their lives through education and at the same time having our breadth of graduate and professional programs with strong academic research performance. It should be better known that one third of our graduates earn a master’s or doctoral degree.

Of the more than 100 colleges and universities in Ohio that offer four-year degrees, UToledo is one of….” Click the link to read the full letter to the editor