Rocket Nation Recovery Part 16 – is it true that the UToledo board of trustees will meet for their summer retreat this week? As a trustee, before charting a future direction for UToledo would you want Wednesday and Thursday’s meeting to:

1. Have UToledo leadership present their vision for UToledo as they enter their 4th year leading the institution?
2. Have leadership provide a 6-month progress update on their operational and tactical level plans and metrics they put in place on February 8, 2022? Are they behind, meeting or beating their goals?
3. Gain trustee alignment on the internal enrollment assumptions for Fall 2024. Is it true that Fall 2022 total enrollment is approximately 14,900? Will 1,000+ students graduate in December 2023? Will 200+ students not return to classes in January 2023? Will 1,800 students graduate in May 2023? Will Fall 2024 begin with approximately 11,900+ total students? Is enrollment capable of bringing in 3,000 first year students in Fall 2024 to bring enrollment back to 14,800+? Or do the trustees forecast another enrollment decline?
4. Review data comparing UToledo to the other 13 state universities in the Senate Bill 6 Ratio Comparison Report? 
5. Gain trustee alignment on the external student and competitor landscape With population shifting south ward, should UToledo continue to remove admissions staff from OH and MI to place those resources in Atlanta, Charlotte, Nashville, Washington DC and Dallas?
6. Compare the strategic plan presented by UToledo leaders on February 8, 2023 to every 5-year plan back to 2006 including a side-by-side comparison of the data from 2006 to today for admissions, enrollment, retention, revenue, expenses, profitability, staffing levels, etc.? 
7. Review the dashboard metrics on UToledo’s strategic planning web page?

As a trustee, is it possible to chart a future course for UToledo without the board of trustees completing a detailed, comparative analysis of the past and present actual data and the creation of future scenarios?

Is it possible to end the board retreat without a detailed list of weekly and monthly actions and metrics to hold UToledo leadership accountable to urgently address the crisis? Would you place these actions and metrics on the UToledo Strategic Plan web page to provide transparency and build trust within The Rocket Nation?

Will the board retreat end with a statement of strong support for UToledo leaderships bold, creative and collaborative efforts?

It’s ok to feel uncomfortable in a crisis. Please pray for thoughtful, compassionate accountability and urgent actions to revitalize The Rocket Nation.