Rocket Nation Recover Part 15 – next week the UToledo board of trustees will meet for their summer retreat. If you were a trustee, would you expect the retreat to focus on short term steps to immediately address the enrollment, financial and morale crisis? Would you expect the retreat to focus on a long term strategic vision and plan? Or would you expect to focus on both?

In 2014, a five year strategic enrollment plan was approved by the board of trustees. In year 3 (2017) of that plan a new strategic enrollment plan was approved by the board. That plan was tied to the 2017-2022 UToledo Strategic Plan.

As UToledo leaders enter their 4th year, would you expect them to have put a new strategic enrollment plan in place in Fall 2022? Or begin to work on the new plan in Fall 2023?

As a trustee, would you expect UToledo leaders to begin the retreat with a review of past strategic enrollment assumptions, plans and metrics? To stop the enrollment decline would you expect UToledo leaders to present a tactically focused, detailed review of what actions have and have not worked over the past five years?

Is it true that with Fall 2024 recruiting underway UToledo leaders are forecasting another enrollment decline for next year? As a trustee, would you expect UToledo leaders to provide you with a detailed set of daily, weekly and monthly actions and metrics to stop the decline? How would you hold them accountable?

On September 14, 2021 UToledo announced its Fall enrollment at 17,070 down from 18,450 students in Fall 2020. The press release stated “The University of Toledo offers students a great educational experience and we are looking forward to reaching more prospective students and families to share the amazing opportunities here,” UToledo President said. “We have made the necessary investments to strengthen our enrollment recruitment strategy to upgrade our application systems and recruit high school students earlier in their academic journey and from more geographic areas. We’re also working to streamline the process for students to transfer to UToledo.”

As a trustee, with total Fall 2023 enrollment at approximately 14,700 what data would you want to evaluate on the progress made from the “necessary investments” in 2020 and 2021? With enrollment still in decline, what steps would you take at the retreat to hold UToledo leaders accountable for those investments? What personal accountability would you accept for the five-year decline in enrollment and the financial crisis?

As a trustee, would you expect The Rocket Nation to receive answers before making further investments?

It’s ok to feel uncomfortable in a crisis. Please pray for thoughtful, compassionate accountability and urgent actions to revitalize The Rocket Nation.