Rocket Nation Recovery Part 1 – since time is of the essence, what can you do to help UToledo enrollment today? While the UToledo Board of Trustees works to finalize annual performance bonuses for the administration and scrambles to figure out an emergency enrollment/financial recovery plan it’s time to rally tactical support for enrollment.

What would happen to UToledo enrollment If everyone in The Rocket Nation takes 5-minutes each day to promote an academic program? Tell your children, neighbors, co-workers and everyone you know. Reach out to your local high school guidance counselors. Go meet with them. Share your UToledo experience and pride. 

Here’s one example of the countless world class academic programs at UToledo. The Cosmetic Formulation program. This College of Pharmacy program is rated one of the best in the country. Take a moment to review and share this information with everyone you know.

Let’s help Gabriella Baki bring 500 or more high school students from around the world to UToledo. Why would they come to Toledo? Because they want a world class degree and a great job after graduation in Cosmetic Formulation? How about your son or daughter?

Please InMessage Dr. Baki. Thank her for her positive, energetic and thought leading program. Ask if you can make a donation to the program so she can exponentially grow it. Brag to your friends about this program. Share this information with guidance counselors at your local high school.

Dr. Baki you make The Rocket Nation Proud!!

Take 5-minutes right now to help UToledo grow enrollment. Let’s flood high school seniors from around the country to campus starting today. Bring them with you to Homecoming on September 30th.